Running the Game
There are many types of PC-98 computers, some of which run MS-DOS based operating systems. While I have seen some people with FDIs of this game, it seems like the most common way this game is distributed it for DOS based models. This means it can't (to my knowledge) be emulated with regular PC-98 or DOS emulators. The only one I've found to work is DOSBox-X using the PC-98 mode.
To do this, in "dosbox-x.conf", set "machine" to "pc98". I also like to set "output" to "openglpp" for sharp pixels. You may also want to adjust the clock speed. This will depend on your computer. but 1200 seems to work well enough for me. (Adjust this in the .conf or by pressing F11+ or F11-)
To load games, type "mount c path\to\game\folder" (For me, on Windows, it's
NOTE : "\" will appear as "¥"
Next type "c:" to access the directory we just mounted.
Now you should be able to just type "stb bat" and the game should run
This game is entirely mouse-based. On the main menu, once the bloody paw-print has show up, you can click to start the game.
The Game
After a short wait, you will be met with this screen:
Let's go over all of this.
- That lion on the left is the world, Planet Raiyon (Lion). I'll get to that in a moment.
- The red box below that is where all the text will show up.
- The grey section that says TURBTURBTURBTURB is where all your units will show up, of which you can have up to 36. Other menus will show up here when prompted.
- Below that is you, Nonorin. You can click it to view your stats. You can do the same with your units.
- Underneath that is five gray buttons.
Here's what those buttons do, from left to right:
- Load game
- Move (Select Level)
- View inventory
- Save game
- Quit (If in a level, this will take you back to this screen)
Let's actually start playing. Click "Move" to select a level. The space with the blue dot is your current position. Gray units are uncompleted levels, and white ones are levels you have cleared. However, at the beginning, you only have one level available. Click it and select "Yes" (The left option) when prompted.

This will bring you to the Neko Village. There are more of these, but this seems to be one of the main ones since it's where the Cat Commander is. You'll notice the gray buttons are different. The first one now opens the inventory and the second one opens the map. The last button is the quit button, but it won't be visible at first. Open the map, and you'll see a giant "Welcome" sign with an arrow. You should probably follow it. Left click toggles movement and right click toggles the menu. Move the mouse North, South, East, or West to move in that direction.

In town, you'll come across multiple houses. Stand on them to talk to the inhabitants. Go to the center palace and talk to the Cat Commander and he will give you a phone. This lets you talk to him any time.

Now that that's done, you can exit the level.
I also recommend saving after every level.
Let's go to another level. You'll notice there's multiple options. This game lets you do levels in whatever order you want, as long as you can reach them.
Levels & Combat
When starting a new level, I like to look at the map. It will show the position of you, your units, enemies, as well as any sights of interest.
Combat is done by coming into contact with enemies. You take turns beating eachother up until someone dies. If you're ever noticing your units struggling, you can lure the enemies away, as it seems like they prefer to go after you than your units.

At first, you'll probably have a hard time against your foes. Feel free at any time to quit the level. You will still keep any progress made during the level. Once you've gained some units and leveled up a bit, you'll very quickly become quite powerful.
In addition to enemies, you will also find Bunnies, Bears, and fairies. Bunnies and Bears can be recruited and turned into Nekos for your army. Do note, however, that you may have to talk to them multiple times. Fairies on the other hand can be caught and used to grant certain effects such as Max Life or STR increases. Not all their effects are positive, however, and catching them can also sometimes give you the "Enchanted" status effect, which prevents you from talking and catching more fairies for a limited time.

It's not uncommon for units to die, so don't sweat it. If you die, however, it's Game Over, and you will have to reload the last save.

Entering the Final Level
Entering the final level was a bit confusing (I think the equivalent of this in the Dreamcast version is crossing the rainbow bridge). I'm not 100% certain on the requirements, but here's some stuff to know:

Talk to the guys in the center of this level. I don't know if this is an actual requirement but it's a cool level anyway.

Now, this guy, Nanoray. Boy oh boy. This is what kept the bridge from opening for me. Basically, if you talk to him, he will give you a radio and some jelly. GIVE HIM BACK THE JELLY. This kept me from being able to progress. I actually almost thought my game was bugged, but no. Just make sure you give back the jelly and it should work.
Character Ranks
I have counted 20 ranks in this game:
- Private E-1
- Private E-2
- Private First Class
- Corporal
- Sergeant
- Staff Sergeant ---- First Sprite Change
- Platoon Sergeant
- Master Sergeant
- Sergeant Major
- Warrant Officer
- Second Lieutenant ---- Second Sprite Change
- First Lieutenant
- Captain
- Major
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Colonel ---- Third & Final Sprite Change
- Brigadier General
- Major General
- Lieutenant General
- General